Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Squat Workout - Fail

This is what abject failure looks like.

Supposed to do 350x5.  Walk it out of the rack, stand there look around because nobody is watching and then walk it right back in to the pins.

Despite RATM telling me that "Those who died are justified for wearing the badge.....and then some gibberish....but I'm not going to do what they told me".

My right knee just hurts too bad.  I didn't do a single.  Didn't even push my hips back to drop.  Didn't even try.  What's worse is that I've done better.

It's not supposed to work that way.  350 at 200lb body weight is pretty weak...really weak.  It doesn't qualify for intermediate.  If you can't do at least 1x body weight you qualify for toast.  Don't even bother getting out of bed.  1.5x body weight you qualify as a breathing organism.

2x body weight is where you become intermediate.  This is the first validation.

All my lifts are going up but the squat.  We're actually going backwards.

I've had 400 on my back with Danzig blaring so loud in my ears that blood was coming out of my nose.  That's my happy place.

I've been there.  I want 500.

I want an 1100 pound total.  That's're breathing.

Even better...I want
500 lb dead
500 lb squat
400 lb bench

1400...that's something.  That's a start.


If it was easy, then it wouldn't be worth doing.

Let it go.

Good lifters know that a single day is a single day.  There's so many more.  I lift, I fish, I hunt, I'm a dad, I'm a husband.

This song is awesome.

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

1 comment:

  1. Try doing something more challenging like 12oz curls. How many reps do you think you can do?
