Sunday, February 23, 2014

Things We Hate...Why Is It Always Hate?

I've had a bit of writer's block.  Or in this case bloggers block...or in this case just guy typing on the internet block.

Seems like you actually need to be a writer to have writer's block.

Seems like you actually need to be a blogger to have blogger's block.

I am however just a guy typing on the internet.

To get on with the story, I asked Ms. Marvel for suggestions on the blog.  I often ask Ms. Marvel for help.

She said "Do a pet peeves blog...those always seem to work."

I've been mulling that over.  What are my pet peeves....well people that say "irregardless" and people that say "For all intesive purposes".

Not enough juice to squeeze there.

People that use ridiculous consulting phrases.  Still not enough for the reader.

We have to go deep here.  What do I hate?  Well, for starters...lots of things.  Today while playing outside with Little Bit it hit me.

Warning to my one reader:  Mom.  I'm going to curse here.

As I played outside with Little Bit today I tried the mental exercise.

What things do I hate?  Democrats, Republicans, liberals, gun grabbers...good start.  What else?  What else can I really get vitriolic about and get my reader engaged.  I wondered why I would want that reader.  I wouldn't accept them as a friend.  I wondered why another person would want to read about something that someone else hated.

This is the worst form of mental masturbation that I can imagine...that is to say,  largely the stupidest thing I can fathom.

Why focus on the negative?

Why in the hell is someone else reading about something that someone else gets mad about?  Is there not enough wretched shit going on in the world that worrying about someone else's petty fucking problems is the stupidest fucking thing in the entire world?

Dad once told me "If someone gives you a gift and you don't accept it, it's not yours to own."  What he meant, was that you choose.  It's the attitude speech.

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.” 

It's my's mine to play.  Attitude defines everything.

Why would I willingly decide to read what someone else hates?  If I don't take your gift then I don't own it.  It's not mine.  I don't want it.

I've already got enough going on.  I don't need yours.

This isn't a hippy post.  In general I work pretty hard to keep myself at a controlled boil.

There's going to be lots of Hulk case that wasn't clear.

Here's what I made with Little Bit while outside today.  While I was pondering and mulling.

So over the next few days I'm going to do a series of Things I like.

We're turning the internet on its head now.  Bill Gore, the inventor, is spinning in his grave  

This doesn't mean you need to like them.  It might spark the imp of perverse and it might spark the imp of curious.

Just go and be good humans.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Both my fathers have said that.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I had the whole thing drawn up...

This is the post me for their deep belief in the savior Obama.

This is no longer that post....

It was all drawn up.  I had the points and the facts ready to put down.  Very angry and not a little bit of malice but everything that I could reasonably draw.  Anger and venom ready.  It was coming...

It was castigating both sides...seriously, Republicants stay out of the bedroom and stay out of the womb.  None of it's're worse because you know better.   I was actually going to quote law.

The problem is putting Little Bit to sleep.  It all fades...

Everything seems silly.

This is a human being that finds me funny.  This is a person that trusts me.  A little human that laughs at me.

I wonder if I'm getting soft.

I still hold those truths.

I wonder if I'll leave this place better than the WW2 generation and better than the Boomers.

Can't get much worse.  They voted their problems to their children.

Just like that we're back in the game.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Squat Workout - Fail

This is what abject failure looks like.

Supposed to do 350x5.  Walk it out of the rack, stand there look around because nobody is watching and then walk it right back in to the pins.

Despite RATM telling me that "Those who died are justified for wearing the badge.....and then some gibberish....but I'm not going to do what they told me".

My right knee just hurts too bad.  I didn't do a single.  Didn't even push my hips back to drop.  Didn't even try.  What's worse is that I've done better.

It's not supposed to work that way.  350 at 200lb body weight is pretty weak...really weak.  It doesn't qualify for intermediate.  If you can't do at least 1x body weight you qualify for toast.  Don't even bother getting out of bed.  1.5x body weight you qualify as a breathing organism.

2x body weight is where you become intermediate.  This is the first validation.

All my lifts are going up but the squat.  We're actually going backwards.

I've had 400 on my back with Danzig blaring so loud in my ears that blood was coming out of my nose.  That's my happy place.

I've been there.  I want 500.

I want an 1100 pound total.  That's're breathing.

Even better...I want
500 lb dead
500 lb squat
400 lb bench

1400...that's something.  That's a start.


If it was easy, then it wouldn't be worth doing.

Let it go.

Good lifters know that a single day is a single day.  There's so many more.  I lift, I fish, I hunt, I'm a dad, I'm a husband.

This song is awesome.

The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

Here's Your Valentine

Mighty Mite...still working on Little Bit's pseudonym... woke up at 6:30.

Daddy got up with's the least I could do for Valentine's Day.

Ms. Marvel and I share a bank account so there's no flowers and no chocolate.  There is no surprising Ms. Marvel....and Ms. Marvel doesn't like surprises.  Ms. Marvel was dumb enough to marry me young.

Dad taught me that love is not a feeling.  Love is a verb.  (Dad actually said these words).  When I said my vows to Ms. Marvel they were that...vows.  They were vows to love her for the rest of my life.  Seems like a quaint and outdated notion now.

Anyway...that's how Gorilla's show love.  We don't have words, we don't buy flowers.  We just do stuff that makes the other person's life easier.  Ms. Marvel does the same for me...hence the gym.

Good fishing day...we didn't catch any fish.

Workout day post coming.  There's been two I missed with bench and now squats.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Deadlifts 2.9.2014

Day started as normal...

I said something incredibly insensitive to my wife and she slept in the other room.

As the words spilled against the front of my teeth and rolled off my tongue I realized that the weren't coming back despite the my hands fumbling at my mouth.  Actually, none of that is true.  I was angry and said it with malice.  I did instantly regret it and not because of the immediate pain it would cause but because I knew that I had lost my temper.

Temper is a funny means something.  It's the ability of a piece of metal to keep its edge.  It measures the degree of hardness and flexibility of a piece of metal.  It also happens when you add elements to a metal to make it stronger...

My wife, from now on called Ms. Marvel, keeps all of this running.  It's important to understand Ms. Marvel the character, this is where it gets nerdy, she was one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe but commonly dealt with problems below her powers and also felt like she was underused.  She went toe to toe with the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe, won and walked away.  That's all important because it's a metaphor for what I think of her and what she thinks.

The only major fault my wife has is that she married the Hulk.  Bruce Banner just wants to be left alone, very libertarian, that's going to be a common theme.  The Hulk only knows how to smash, so when you engage The Hulk you get Hulk results.


I woke up with my little girl.  Food intake sucked...ate a couple pieces of bacon.  A pot and a half of coffee.  I did get to be a chef, firefighter, robot, police officer, musical conductor and probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting.

Ms. Marvel got up around noon.  No, we didn't go to church.  I wasn't walking into that den to wake her.  Daniel is a bigger man than me.

Lunch was 6 pieces of salami, Kraft single on bread with some italian dressing.  Poor boys lunch.

5 week
Got to 385 x 7
FSL - First Set Last
295 5x5
SDL 5x10 @ 200
Leg Curls - nobody cares, it's accessory work
Pull Ups 5x10 close grip
Shrugs - nobody cares, it's accessory work

That's below my rep PR but in retrospect I think it was diet.  Not enough fuel to lift.

Dinner was 3 pieces of tilapia, working on that quart of milk.

Call Me Ishmael...

Every epic story begins with a memorable line...
"Call me Ishmael"

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

"It was night again. The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts".

This is not that blog, please feel free to click on the links to the right for epic blogs.

The hardest part of anything seems to be just getting started. As my father used to say, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. However, that's a long journey and nobody else has done it so just lie and tell everyone you did it."

Dad never actually said that...

If you're looking for a blog written by a person with slightly funny but warped sense of humor; hang around.

So what is this blog about...

Let's start by talking about the name.

4 years ago, prior to the birth of my daughter when mom and dad were well rested, well fed and living high on the was chasing mom around the house.  As I jumped onto the bed and landed in a bottom squat position with my hands hanging low at my sides, my wife remarked, "You look like a silver back gorilla".

As my eyes got misty and a single tear rolled down my face, I realized...that's the nicest single thing that anyone has ever told me.

Now we have the name.

So what is this blog going to be about...(it took me a long time to get here)

Being a father
Being an awesome husband
Being a crappy husband
How to go about being both of the above in a 10 minute interval
Lifting - AKA getting big
Eating to support lifting - AKA killing everything

Whatever random thought hits my frontal lobe as I'm logged into my account.